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Prayer Circle for Animals Weekly Update
May 12, 2014

Our prayers for all animals continue to circle the earth, to uplift humanity's consciousness, and to bless the animals themselves. Thank you for joining people around the world who are praying this prayer in many different languages but all with the same love:


Thanks to your mothers; thanks for “true motherhood”
In recognition of Mothers’ Day, I want to thank all of your mothers for bringing you into this world where you are so desperately needed by all the animals.  And I want to thank you for your motherhood.  Whether you are a man or a woman, have children or not, your motherhood is shining from your heart.  As spiritual teacher, Amma, puts it, “True motherhood is love and compassion felt not only towards one’s own children, but towards all people, animals and plants, rocks and rivers—a love extended to all of nature, to all beings.”
The age of peace for all
Amma also said, “…the forthcoming age should be dedicated to re-awakening the healing power of motherhood.  This is the only way to realize our dream of peace and harmony for all.”  With this in mind, our actions and prayers to liberate animals are right on target.
The cries and tears of motherhood
All over the world, for centuries, motherhood has been trampled upon.  Billions of mother animals have had their babies torn from them relentlessly for hunts, the pet trade, circuses, zoos, aquariums, leather, fur, meat, eggs, milk, and experiments. Mother animals have been enslaved, caged, raped, robbed, and in the end murdered.  Billions of human women have fared no better.  The earth is filled with their cries and their tears.  But that is why the earth is filled with their love, because those tears are made of pure love.
This week let us give thanks for the power of this endless love that covers the earth
I believe that the time has come: the sheer amount of pure love that has poured out of mothers’ hearts through the ages for their babies and from the hearts of compassionate human beings has reached a tipping point.  There is now more love in the world than there is hatred and violence.  This week, let us hold this prayer in our hearts.  We give thanks knowing that holy, sacred motherhood has covered the earth with pure love.  Violence and domination and cruelty are being swept away by the river of tears for lost babies and lost lives.  Love like that can never die.  It is the most powerful force in the universe. Humanity is awakening, and perfect, endless love is boldly standing at the doorway of all hearts. And so it is.   .

With Love, peace, and gratitude from Judy, and Will, Madeleine, and the Circle of Compassion team.

If you haven’t already done so, please join us at the Prayer Circle for Animals facebook page.

(Your donations allow us to continue and expand this prayer ministry)

May this music of liberation and respect for all life bring us closer than
we’ve ever been to a world of peace for all beings everywhere.
Please visit the website www.circleofcompassion.org often to see updates and special prayers, and also to join in our "A prayer a day for animals" which features a prayer for a different group of animals each day of the week. It is also a place to send ideas or prayer requests.

Please forward this widely so that we may continue to add more people to our ever-expanding circle of compassion.

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