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Prayer Circle for Animals Weekly Update from Judy Carman
September 29, 2014

Our prayers for all animals continue to circle the earth, to uplift humanity's consciousness, and to bless the animals themselves. Thank you for joining people around the world who are praying this prayer in many different languages but all with the same love:


Hello and Namaste from Judy Carman
Coming right up on October 2—Thursday—A Memorial and Fast for Farmed Animals.  The Farm Animal Rights Movement sponsors World Day for Farmed Animals every year.  This year, they are asking us to “…memorialize and protest the billions of animals abused and killed for food each year” and join together in a Fast Against Slaughter to “demonstrate our solidarity with animals who starve during prolonged transport to the slaughterhouse” We can sign up at DayforAnimals.org and join thousands of others who are participating.   
Also on October 2—Gandhi’s Birthday.  In his honor, I quote, “To my mind, the life of a lamb is no less precious than that of a human being. I should be unwilling to take the life of a lamb for the sake of the human body.”  He also stated unequivocably that he would prefer death rather than eat the flesh of an innocent animal.  Gandhi carried the vision that nonviolence was the only way to rise above war, prejudice, hunger, and the ills of humanity.  He taught consistently that we could not expect to end violence against human beings as long as we abused and killed animals.  And so we honor his vision and wisdom on this World Day for Farmed Animals.
Our Prayer for this Special Week   Dear Animals of Earth, we live and pray each day for your freedom from human violence and domination.  But on this one special day of October 2, we will be fasting and/or praying in solidarity with all those of you who are being transported in trucks without food or water.  We bear witness to this terrible injustice that causes you so much pain and sadness.  We stand with you.  We love you.  We ask for guidance and strength to be your voice and to teach all people that using, harming, and killing you is wrong. We ask for assurance and faith  to know beyond any doubt that one day soon the cruel hands and shuttered hearts of people will be softened and opened and transformed by Love for all beings everywhere.  We give thanks for our deep and precious kinship with you, dear animals, and for the vision that we have been given of a world at peace for everyone.    
As always, I send my thanks to each of you for joining this circle of compassion and shining the Light of Truth for all to see, so that one day soon, all beings will live in peace together.

With Love, peace, and gratitude from Judy, and Will, Madeleine, and the Circle of Compassion team.

If you haven’t already done so, please join us at the Prayer Circle for Animals facebook page.

(Your donations allow us to continue and expand this prayer ministry)

May this music of liberation and respect for all life bring us closer than
we’ve ever been to a world of peace for all beings everywhere.
Please visit the website www.circleofcompassion.org often to see updates and special prayers, and also to join in our "A prayer a day for animals" which features a prayer for a different group of animals each day of the week. It is also a place to send ideas or prayer requests.

Please forward this widely so that we may continue to add more people to our ever-expanding circle of compassion.

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